
Things to meet in a Room

Jerry wore a cowboy hat. Beneath that a patrolman's cap, tuxedo jacket, brown paisley belt, checkered slacks and a black pair of hushpuppies. Susie wore ribbons. A pink tee shirt with "Male Gaze" in black block lettering printed across the chest, cut off jeans and two mismatched flip-flops. They had left their sunglasses at home. Every piece of fashion carried meaning, signs for others to read, and for Jerry and Susie the pieces added up significantly. Problem - fashion's capital is trend, and the TV broke so they got nothing to go on. Blair wears no hair. White cotton ties over yellow dress shirts, balloon pants and well-kept boots. Susie goes home with Blair, not because Blair has any greater quality than Jerry, but because Jerry wore black shoes and a brown belt without irony. Susie doesn't need the TV to tell her to trust her instinct - she got out as fast as she could.  Jerry has since fixed the TV and Susie and Blair moved in together - they got the last cold water flat in the city.

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